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New to COPD

Well, I have had minor breathing issues for years. Initially I thought I was out of shape, then for being overweight (I could not exercise), then I went to the doctor. Had complete cardiovascular workup - they found a minor rhythm issue and prescribed medication 2 years ago. I continued to do down hill for another 2 years - finally went in to another doctor and she ordered a pulmonary workup.
Besides a few other findings, the diagnosis appears to be moderate COPD with an asthmatic component. I smoked for 1 semester in college. I also was exposed to a chemical 30 years ago that irritated my throat. I had a number of pulmonary evaluations back then.

Most days I have trouble breathing when getting showered/dressed in morning, when walking from room to room. Fortunately for the last 18 months I have been working from home... the 1/4 mile walk from parking to desk would do me in.

Medications are not helping... Qvar and Albuterol. I am frustrated - I have to plan trips to the store (which one will be the shortest walk). things like working in the garden and going for walks are distant memories.

I hope this forum can give me some ideas on how to manage in day to day activities.


  1. , I hear how difficult and frustrating this time has been for you. Learning to live within the limitations of COPD is so difficult but we are here to offer you support whenever you need it! I'm sure our community members here will chime in with their own experiences on managing the day to day but in the meantime here is some information that you may find helpful:,, All the best, Sam S. (Team Member).

    1. - thank you for the links... I will look at these today!

  2. You've come to the right place to get some ideas for managing your daily activities with COPD. Sam has provided some excellent links that should get you started.

    My first thought is that you need to make it very clear to your pulmonologist that the medications you're on are not working. There are so many choices and it often takes some trial and error before you and your doctor hit on the correct combination of meds that work for you.

    One of the articles Sam suggested is about pulmonary rehab. I can't stress enough how helpful that would be if you have the opportunity and can take advantage of it. Over the years I've had the privilege of working in pulmonary rehab and have marveled at the impact it can have on a person's life and ability to do more of what they'd like.

    There are some great YouTube videos if you'd like to start at home with some simple exercises. Just do a search for "pulmonary rehab videos - you'd be surprised how many are out there.

    Lyn (site moderator)

    1. - Thank you for your response. The primary doctor prescribed the Qvar and Albuterol. She then referred me to the pulmonologist. I can't get in to him for another 3 weeks - and he will not change medications until I am an establish patient. I have asked primary doctor to make a change, but have not heard back if she will do it. It is looking like it is going to be a long 3 weeks.
      Thank you for your support!

    2. Well it's a start at least! I'm sorry you couldn't get in earlier, but at least you have the appointment. In the meantime, I highly recommend that you keep a log of your symptoms each day. It will make it so much easier when you see the doctor and they ask about symptoms - in particular when they're occuring, etc. The log also impresses on the healthcare team how important this is to you and how much you need a solution.
      Please let me know how it goes. I'll be thinking of you.
      Lyn (site moderator)

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