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Morning symptoms

My mornings are the worst part of the day for me. Lot of coughing and mucus clearing. I usually get up between 6 - 6:30 AM. It takes me til about 8 - 9AM to clear the mucus. After that, it isn't so bad. My problem is not letting my morning symptoms dictate the rest of the day. The mornings are depressing, and sometimes the depression lasts for hours.

Anyone else have this problem?

  1. I certainly do. Sometimes my kids will pop in on their day off and I get a little embarrassed about how long it takes me to get on with my day. The worst season for me is Fall with its seasonal disorders. I created a Gratitude Journal. I write in it daily saying what I am grateful for and I write little stories about what made me grateful. You might think of something along those lines too. Thank you for leaving this question here. There will be lot's of people who feel exactly the same as we do. Barbara Moore (Author)

    1. Hey John,
      Yes, I have the same problem, just not as long as your morning. Usually for me it takes 45 minutes to an hour to clear out my lungs. But I don't let it get me down or make my day off to a bad start. Rather, I just accept it as a necessary step to my day. At this point in my life, nothing is really that pressing that I cannot start my day a little later I used to. COPD is about adaptation. I just learned to live with it, cope with it, accept it, take care of it, and continue my life as best I can. It is all we can do. Take care and God Bless!

      1. I understand completely. Some days I can clear it in 45 minutes to an hour. Those days aren't so bad. But some days it can take me til almost lunch and I never really seem to get my day off the ground those days. I use those days to catch up on my secret guilty pleasure...reality soap operas lol. Figure if my day is gonna be wasted, might as well waste my mind too lol.

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