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Moderate COPD

I know everyone is different, so I guess I'm just hoping to hear some positive stories for hope and if it's not so good, I want to hear that as well to help me prepare for what's to come. What does the disease feel like? Am I still ablet to continue working or maybe play with my kids

  1. Hi GlaceSoundRacer - It's understandable to be concerned about what's to come after a new diagnosis. You said it yourself - everyone is different and that is very important to remember.

    The progression of COPD can depend on so many things. The important thing is to get a good treatment plan and follow it. Find a doctor you trust and can talk to about all your symptoms and concerns.

    I'm sure you'll get responses regarding others experiences, it's just very important to remember that their experience is not and will not be yours.

    In the meantime, I thought this article would be helpful to get you started:

    Lyn (site moderator)

    1. Thanks for the basic information you shared.. What is the worst feeling though, I am just curious, I just wanted to prepare myself with this.Thanks!

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