Does anyone’s lungs actually hurt when having a particularly rough time? This TX heat came on so fast this summer I didn’t have a chance to get acclimated. My lungs ache from trying to breathe.
I had a rough spell earlier tonight . I started coughing & my chest got tight & felt numb & started tingling … lasted about 3 to 4 minutes & had to use rescue inhaler .
Lyn Harper, MPA, BSRT, RRT, AE-C Member
Last Updated:
I hope you're feeling better now! Hopefully your rescue inhaler did the job. Lyn (COPD site moderator)
Lyn Harper, MPA, BSRT, RRT, AE-C Member
Last Updated:
What you're describing is something I've heard from quite a few people. I think it's something that unless you've experienced it, you don't really understand. Weather can be a big factor in contributing to so many symptoms related to COPD.
Have you found anything that helps? Medication? Just resting? I'm sure you try to stay out of the heat as much as possible, but it's not always easy to avoid.
Best, Lyn (COPD site moderator)
nanadee Member
Last Updated:
I experience deep pain on my right side, it hurts so bad for about 4-5 minutes, then it finally eases up where I think I'll be ok. I have thought it wouldn't quit and it really hurts to breathe while it's hurting like that, but eventually it quits.
johnb Member
Last Updated:
Going through a bit of rough time. Breathing has been getting worse for over year now.. A week ago i developed a pain in my rear left rib cage. It was constant pain. over the last few days its moved to my lower left rig cage, and is just dull ache, until I breath in. Then it becomes very sharp. My oxygen levels have always been in the mid to upper 90's Today the struggle to reach the mid 80' and have been dropping as low as 65, Does this sound anything what I should expect as the condition deteriorates ?
whirledpeas Member
Last Updated:
That sounds more acute than what I would expect from the progression of copd. Have you checked with your doctor? I would definitely get some help.