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I have copd

I found out I had copd in 2013. But I was smoking and it got worse. Next I knew I was on oxygen and I was going down from there. Now I am at stage 4 copd and I have a time with everything I do everyday.This is me on oxygen and having trouble getting around

  1. Welcome to the community, ! I'm glad you found us. Please know you are not alone. Many people continue smoking after they are diagnosed. Smoking is a powerful addiction. Quitting can feel impossible. Are you no longer smoking now? Do you have a good doctor and support at home? Please know we are here for you whenever you need us. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Im new to the group and know how u feel. Im 63 and have always been energetic and independent' Im in the last stages and by myself. I know the day that somone will have to help me is in the near future. I hope they come with somthing by then.

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