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How do I explain things to my family

It all happened so fast. Boom pneumonia and diagnosed with COPD never to be the same again. Unfortunately some of my family members think I'm just seeking attention and things aren't really so bad. They get angry because I can't sit outside in the heat so I must be ignoring them them. I can't have long discussions because I can't breath so it must not want to talk to them. I get no support and I've been abandoned. I do the best I can to manage my home and land but when I ask for help I'm told it I'm being manipulative and I'm lazy. I've provided information on COPD and it doesn't seem to matter.

  1. Hi. Welcome to our COPD community. You are not alone here in having difficulty explaining COPD to those who do not have it -- and to get their help when you need it. This is a topic that we have discussed from time to time here in our forums section. In fact, my colleague Janet wrote an article on how COPD is often referred to as an invisible illness ( because you may look fine even though you have a lung diseases. I've had my own troubles getting people to know what it's like. And I even wrote about it here ( I don't know if this will help, but here's ( another article that some have found helpful. Feel free to share any of our articles with your loved ones and friends if that helps. Another idea may be to have someone close to you come with you to your doctor's appointments. This way your doctor can help you get that person to see what you are going through. What do you think? John. community moderator.

    1. Hi - Welcome! I'm new to these forums & I can relate to your way of being diagnosed with COPD as that's exactly how it happened to me. I was depressed to hear the news and found myself really trying to learn all I could about it. Getting others to understand is hard for sure. People seem very supportive, concerned & open here. I've found some very good information and articles that help a lot.

      1. Thank you. I'm so glad to be here and to be supported by so many. The replies and articles have helped a lot.

    2. There is room in the boat, even though it is crowded. There are folks who are givers in life. They take very little, but offer all to those in need. When that role changes, and we become those in need, it is difficult to accept. We get frustrated. Angry even at the turn in fortunes we have been given. But it does not need to change our perspective. I continue to give. I see the confusion in my family on how to help me. Good habits wear off on family it seems, and they want to give, but do not know how. We do not want to burden them, as it is our way of doing things.
      I have found doing the research and offering knowledge about COPD, the symptom, expectations, studies, and medical improvements is a way to give again. It helps them to better understand and tailor their efforts to do what they know how to do: To help.

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