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Hi to all

My husband has Copd diagnosed in 2007 and he gets angry about things and how he is I understand hoe he feels but he's the one who has always smoked I never have but I also have the same condition as him only I was diagnosed this year along with many health problems myself with being born really small.

What can I do about the Above as its stressing me out?


  1. Hi , I hear how stressful this situation is for you. I'm confident if other members of our community have any advice to share that they will chime in but in the meantime, you might find these articles helpful:,, All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. Sorry I just seen you post and was wondering how are you doing? Have you and hubby been able to chat about both of your health problems? Hoping to hear if you wish sharing. Doris

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