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Fungal infection

Has anyone with COPD ever been diagnosed with a fungal infection ?
Please if anyone has, tell me about it.

  1. Hi . If you are suffering from a fungal infection, you are not alone. Here is an article from one of our health leaders who had a fungal infection in her lungs: Also, thrush (a fungal infection) is a common side effect of inhaled corticosteroid inhalers, which many people with COPD use. Here is an article that explains it better than I can: I hope others in the community chime in with their experiences. Have you recently been diagnosed with one? Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Yes

      1. Yes I was diagnosed and treated for coccidioidomycosis "Valley Fever" at the age of 27 and 8 months pregnant at the time, no COPD, but have asthma. It was not a fun experience at all. This was before home nebulizers were a thing, so everyday was an adventure to the doctors office for breathing treatments, hard to accomplish when you are weakened and can't breath right? Anyway it took sometime, a couple of weeks to get me feeling better and then to deliver that baby with sore muscles in my whole upper body from the coughing. If I recall properly it took a couple of months to get really back to myself prior to the fungi infections.
        I have read your previous post and feel for you, been at this a long time and just finding out what the cause of your original hospitalization. The meds they had you used was for the symptoms of course, which did ease some of the problems for a time, but thank goodness you kept seeing the doctor and having him look further and now you are on the proper meds to heal !!!!!!!!!!! Try to relax and rest when you can, its important to the healing process. I know its confusing and scary with already having lung issues, but it appears that you are now in a good place with in you medical needs. I so hope a quick and full recovery from this infection and may you never get another one.

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