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Flare up

Can someone explain what a flair up is? I have been feeling tired, real short of breath, runny eyes just overall don't feel good. I go to my internist Thursdy I haven't seen her since I was diagnosed with cold stage 4 2 months age. Who will be subscribing any treatment or prescriptions? I go back to pulmonologist on July 25.

  1. Hi Amber, and thanks for your post and question - it's a good one! A flare-up, sometimes referred to as an exacerbation, is a sudden worsening of one's symptoms. They can occur without warning or, build up over several days/weeks until they become very apparent for the patient. They can vary considerably from patient to patient as well.
    I thought you might find it helpful to look over this article on that very topic: I do hope you find this information is helpful in a practical way. We actually have many more articles which focus on this important aspect of a COPD diagnosis. Should you be interested in reading more, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. We will be happy to point you in the right direction.
    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Hi, Ambersue! I wanted to check in and see how you're feeling ... did you see any worsening or improvement of your symptoms this week? Don't be afraid to check in with your doctor if you feel too uncomfortable. We are here to support you as well! Keep us posted. -Melissa, team

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