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Experience of a group like this

Good afternoon all . I live in England and feel luck in having support from our National Health Service, BUT, although most have a lot of experience, I have learnt that unless you have COPD/Sleep Apnea it is not easy to answer many questions.
That is where a group like this has many advantages, so firstly, a big " thank you " for being there with time and the advice I have found reading the posts/topics.
Now the cheek of asking your advice and personal experience. Is it me, or is it common to wake up in the mornings with a ' horrible ' taste in the mouth ? Ok, I have stage 3 COPD, on oxygen regularly, need to wear a CPAP at night and also have digestive ulcers, these I have had for numerous years and take a regular tablet for.
Because of all the experience you all have, I have more faith in yourselves due to the fact that like many others, we actually have the illness and have to somehow work out how to cope and /or tackle it.
The sun's always shining, it is just that the clouds get in the way on occasions, still enjoy life though even if hard on occasions.
Bob S

  1. Hi , we're glad to have you as part of our group! Our community is here to offer whatever support we can. Best, Sam S. (COPD team).

    1. Hi, Bob! I am curious, can you tell us a little more about the "horrible" taste in your mouth? We can't give medical advice for your safety, but we might be able to provide you with some resources or questions to ask your doctor.

      One thing I am wondering about are your stomach issues that you are being treated for. Stomach problems can cause acid to go up into the throat and mouth, which can cause a sour or vomit taste. You may want to let your doctor know that you're experiencing this so that they can help you to feel better if needed.

      I hope you'll come back and let us know how you're doing. Take care! -Melissa, copd team

      1. Hello Melissa,
        Firstly, thank you for your reply.
        I agree with your point concerning medical matters, in this case I am curious as to whether the " horrible taste " is a common factor for other members who have COPD. It seems strange to me that after all the years of having stomach ulcers this horrible taste has suddenly started.
        COPD = mucus, possible taste.
        ULCERS = reflux, possible taste.
        Curiosity as to if others have similar.
        Enjoy life.
        Bob S.

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