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Janet Plank HU
Last Updated: has a very good article on "Bathroom Asthma Triggers". Many pointers and suggestions seems to apply to those with COPD as well.
Do you have others thoughts or suggestions?
Janet (moderator/
CommunityMember9ce031 Member
Last Updated:
It's is very hard for me to take a shower I have a anxiety attack. So I went and brought a clear shower curtain and a hand hold shower head this helps.But I still have anxiety attacks I wear my oxygen in the shower but at time I still have these attacks. But Since buying all my shower stuff I can get in the shower more.Hope this helps.
John Bottrell, RRT Member
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Janet Plank HU Member
Last Updated:
I struggle with the humidity, so I frequently open a window an inch or two, or to open the bathroom door. Some days, I have to even pull the shower curtain open for an inch or so, just to get air. We don’t have a fan in there and our bathroom is too small to bring a floor fan in.
Here is a link on managing anxiety that will hopefully help you:
Feel free to type anxiety, into the search box, there are numerous articles there. Know that we are here for you.
Janet (moderator/
CommunityMember7d3f64 Member
Last Updated:
Janet Plank HU Member
Last Updated:
Take care Thomas and stay cool. A cool compress on the back of your neck might help to cool you.
Janet (Team)
jahlah Member
Last Updated:
I’m a little over 80 years old and been on oxygen 24/7 for over 3 years now. I’m stage 4 of COPD and when I first took a shower it was hard on breathing. I learned to increase the oxygen flow from 2L to 5L and would only shower maybe twice per week because I would get so short of breath and took a long time.
Now with the medication I take with some supplements that I have been using I'm not coughing up mucus all the time, I go days without coughing and my breathing is really good, and I don’t get too short of breath anymore like I used to. I shower every day with just 2L using my home Concentrator or using an E-tank with an Easy Pulse 5+6 regulator set on a pulse of 5 or less. And I don’t get short of breath. It only takes me 15 to 20 minutes to shower, shave, and get dressed.
I bought a shower chair, and also a cushion for it. I close the shower door on the hose leaving enough hose with cannula which is plenty of hose. I look forward to taking a shower even though some on oxygen have a tough time doing it.
My shower, without me in it. 😀
Lori.Foster Community Admin
Last Updated:
How wonderful that the medication helped and that you can look forward to taking showers again,
Becky Brooks Member
Last Updated:
remerick Member
Last Updated:
Showers were are a dreaded task until I stopped.. Now I wash my hair in the kitchen sink and at a different time soak my feet in a dish pan in my tub while sitting in my shower chair with my hand held shower head. I stand breifly at the end to wash my privates. I also use 8x12 moist towels if I’m not up for the shower chair. I hope this helps those who struggle with showers.
Janet Plank HU Member
Last Updated:
Very good ideas, I’m happy that they work for you. Those ideas sound so easy and thorough.
I hope that you have a breathe-easy day!
Janet (author/
CommunityMember236576 Member
Last Updated: