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I was in a vent last year this time,now since I was put on oxygen I don't want to do anything,it just takes too much out of me to even get dressed,help

  1. , I hear how difficult and overwhelming this time has been for you. So many in our community understand what you are going through, and we are here to offer you any support we can. We are not professional counselors, though so if you'd like I can private message you some additional resources. In the meantime here are a few articles that you might find helpful:, All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. Hi , and welcome! I see you are a new member here, having joined yesterday, late in the evening. We are glad to see you already engaging with the community through this, your first post.
      I am sorry to hear you were on a ventilator, just about a year ago. I understand, first hand, what a challenging event that must have been in your life. I also see my colleague, , has already responded to your concern and shared some information which speaks to depression and mental health concerns.
      I also have something to contribute. I have taken care of many patients over the years, post ventilator experience. I can tell you the reactions to their hospital stay varies widely. Some go home with little to no concerns while still others, have lasting effects following the event.
      For you to be feeling this way may be a signal that you would benefit from medical intervention, counseling or some combination of the two. Have you had an opportunity to speak with anyone about how you're feeling?
      Please do let us hear back from you - we have a genuine concern for your good health.
      Wishing you well,
      Leon (site moderator

      1. - Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of good folks here, and therefore a wealth of information to find your way forward. I knew I had COPD since about 2013, but have only been dealing with it aggressively for about two and a half years now, since I finally reached the point where I was ready to stop smoking and start moving forward. Naturally I waited way too long, but there is no fixing that, so I can only work with what is left. I have suffered from depression since childhood, and for me the only way out of it has always been to get moving and do something. I have also been through a lifetime of having to recover from major injuries and illness, so I know there's a process, and there is one for COPD too. The physical restrictions that this disease puts on us makes it difficult to move forward, or even across the room. So we need first help, then motivation, then training, to get going again, but we can and do. I don't know where you are or what your situation is, but I'm in Texas. I have Medicare and insurance, and I have home healthcare and doctors and nurses and physical therapists and wonderful neighbors that help me daily. It takes time to put together a support system. I hear that you were on a vent a year ago, so I would assume that you already have at least some similar support. So I encourage you to pick up the phone and make some calls. Get some help or get some help with learning how to get the help you need. I had to do that, but it is working well. My health is not improving, but I am doing about as well as I can in my boat. There are a lot of good folks here who can answer questions and point you to help. So jump in, and ask away. The more I learn, the better things get.

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