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Could I have COPD? (28yo, m)

I am sorry if this is asked too many times here but I am desperate.
I feel like I have had slight Bronchitis for 2 years, a few months after my covid infection.

I had a spiromecty test 2 years ago that was okay. A ct scan showed tightened bronchi. I had no diagnosis besides that. My symptoms worsened since then. I have to cough when I laugh, my throat is chronically red and sensitive for 2 years now. I have daily phlegm in my throat thaz I have to clear in the morning. There are rare days where I feel like I can't breath properly. But this feeling has passed the next day. I don't feel any trouble breathing when doing physical activity. I will call a specialist my mom is friends with on tuesday and hopefully get another spiromecty. I am very scared. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

  1. Hi again, , and thanks for this follow-up post to your initial post about feeling confused. Now I understand a little bit more about why you may be feeling that way.
    You may be aware we cannot provide medical advice or diagnostics over the internet (for your own safety), but your concern certainly warrants a reply.
    With the various consistent symptoms (over the last 2 years), which you have shared with the community, I would think a capable and qualified specialist (like a pulmonologist, allergist, or ear, nose and throat (ENT) physician, might be able to help you.
    I am glad you plan on seeing a specialist on Tuesday once the holiday is over. I will wish you 'good luck!', and ask that you please check back and let us know how this all turns out for you.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator

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