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Copd with oab does medicine work?

I just learned about Copd with over active bladder when your body can get oxygen it goes into attack mode and get oxygen from other organs does anyone experiencing COPD/OAB take medication?Do it even work COP related i been on every medicine nothing seems to consistently work Also its really scary when I realize I'm not going to be able to make it to bathroom my breathing gets really bad my heart race's I feel like I'm going to pass out very hard to catch my breath again any suggestions?

  1. i'm confident if anyone has experience with taking this medicine, they will share, but I did want to let you know that COPD and incontinence is really common in our community and we have some article on it:,, All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. Thank you

      1. I didn't know that they were related! That explains a lot why I'm losing bladder control!

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