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What is the most frustrating part about living with COPD?
CommunityMember1b3ea2 Member
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Not being able to interact with my grandchildren like I used to do. I miss not being able to go to their games because of the weather or the way I am feeling.
Bolivar Member
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Lori.Foster Community Admin
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That is understandable,
ellenw Member
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My most frustrating part is not being able to do things I use to do. I can't walk a block any more without getting tired. I can't sing in church. I can't go shopping without getting tired. Tiredness is my culprit because I can't breathe.
Melissa.Arnold Community Admin
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CommunityMembere3b450 Member
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CommunityMember3374 Member
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Having to bring oxygen with you and hoping it lasts.
CommunityMemberb0fef0 Member
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Google Irish oxygen companies ahead of time and prepaid.
Melissa.Arnold Community Admin
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CommunityMember51360d Member
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Not being able to go without the oxygen. Just like a dog that is tied up all the time. Even when you try and sleep
tigermom Member
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I carry it like a purse in a fabric carrier, it is about 17 or 18" tall, weighs about 8-10 pounds when filled with oxygen, about 6 pounds when empty. At 69 with arthritis in my neck and spine there is no way I could use a backpack with it. If I go grocery shopping I can put it in the shopping cart, but still tethered to the 7 foot tubing. Next to being short of breath all of the time this is the thing that bothers me the most. Constantly having to have it with me and checking to make sure I have enough oxygen to make it home. It is what it is and I have been on oxygen since 2017 but still very frustrating. Glad I'm still hanging in there though.
John Bottrell, RRT Member
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