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Anyone else having to take anxiety med to help deal with anxiety with the shortness of breath? I'm taking Klonopin in small doses.

  1. Does the Klonopin help? I am already on Zanax and Duloxetine and they don't seem to help at all. My sleeping habits are backwards, I sleep alittle in the daytime and up all night. My eating habits match my sleeping habits. Any suggestions

    1. Although everyone is different when it comes to which medications work for them, there does seem to be a consensus that many people like Klonopic (Clonazepam) better. With so many medications, it a matter of trial and error and discovering what works for you. Don't be afraid to ask your provider if whatever you're on isn't working.

      Lyn (site moderator

  2. You are definitely not alone in your struggle with anxiety. It makes sense when it's difficult to catch your breath. Here's an article you may find interesting. Are you finding the Klonopin to be helpful? April - Team

    1. Hi April, yes the Klonopin does help more than Xanax did. Ok I'll go read it. Thank you so much!

  3. Yes the Klonopin helps. My sleeping habits are the same. Very little sleep. Wish I had the answers. Hugs to you!

    1. Glad to hear it helps! and it always helps me to know there are others in the same boat. Doesn't make it better but it does help me realize I'm not in this alone.

      Lyn (site moderator

  4. You are absolutely not alone! Needing to take an anti-anxiety medication for shortness of breath is very common with COPD. For perspective, I asked our chief pulmonary doctor roughly how many patients she has that are on some form of anti-anxiety medication. Her estimate was 75% and "probably more should be".

    Do you feel like it helps you?

    Lyn (site moderator

    1. wow didn't know that. Thank you. Very helpful.

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