I am concerned about having copd and then taking the vaxx.
I do the alternate by using a multivitamin, supplements D3, C, Zinc along with my twice a day inhaler and I drink a lot of water. I also have a rescue inhaler and nebulizer that I do not have to use very often, usually when the seasons change. Combined it all helps me to open my lungs, discharge mucus, and breathe better.
However, I still get out of breath when doing strenuous things. I do not wear a mask often because of the smothering that occurs, besides I do not like rebreathing expelled co2. I have never tested positive for covid19. Praise the Lord! I heard the European studies that smokers of menthol cigarettes run a much lower risk of catching covid19 because the menthol stops the ace2 receptors from allowing the covid19 spike protein from invading the lungs.