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Do you experience COPD anxiety? What coping techniques have you found helpful or how do you deal with it?
ronaldrlw Member
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Walk on treadmill and lift weights
CommunityMember1736d6 Member
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Dave Streilein, Member. I have pulmonary fibrosis diagnosed 2003. The pulmonologist told me to keep up my vigorous workouts. I was a runner and marathoner and i continued the long runs for 5+ years then shortened the run lengths. Took up weight lifting using medium weights but did the most reps I could until I began to fail. Today I still do medium weights but do 75-100 reps for 3-4 sets then change exercise. After years of these workouts I am able to accept the breathing anxiety knowing that this will pass. Discipline is critical to managing my fear and following anxiety. Not easy but after almost 20+ years of this process 6-7 days a week works.
John Bottrell, RRT Member
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Cheryle Member
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Take Valium .
John Bottrell, RRT Member
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cook2750 Member
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Presently I'm awash in anxiously. Several situations I'm trying to deal with are beating me up pretty good. The main issue centers around my scheduled cataract surgeries. That in its self, I've no problem with. But the "hoops" I must have done in order to get the surgeries performed, is the monster in the closet, so to speak. I'm 70 years old, I'm Stage IV Emphysema, and I'm pretty much on oxygen 24/7. They, a Dr I've never even met, requires I have an echocardiogram on my heart do. Ok, I'm cool with that, but then, he also requires me to undergo a heart stress test using Lexiscan, from what I understand it'some sort of nuclear dye injected into me . I've done considerable research as to heart stress tests being done on individuals as myself and what I've read indicates that this test could very likely do more harm to me than good. It also states, Heart Assn. Of Amer, that requiring a heart stress on a minimal surgery,( I forget the word they used) is unnecessary so much so if only a local anesthesia is of use. And that's exactly what my cataract surgeries are to use, a local anesthesia on my eyes alond with a Valium tablet. I know my body and it's capability of lack thereof, far greater than a Dr. or his PA will ever realize. And I know without reservation taking this stress test will do me harm if not during the test itself or in the thereafter. This is really weighing heavy on me and the anxiety and stress are slowly eating away at my limited days in this planet. Any suggestions.
John Bottrell, RRT Member
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