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Hi to all

I have been sent a Blue Inhaler from the GPbut I've uses these for 27 years when I was told I had asthma
Now say copd bu5 no change in inhalers the brown one dosnt work either the steriod one.

So what's the next inhaler I have an appointment on the 6th of march to see Gp again.

I need something that actually going to Work my breathlessness getting worse making me not want to Walk.

So what do I do.


  1. Ask Your GP about TRELEGY ELLIPTA By GSK?!? I began this on OCT 13, 2023。

    1. what kind of reaction did You have with TRELEGY?

    2. start out with a red sore throat, which can happen when starting to use these inhalers, but I have been using them for years. Continued trying and the throat only continued to get worse. Going in to week three I was done, the glands on my neck and near ears where not swelling. Once I was off it, things calmed right back down with in a few days. Figuring it is the steroid in it, I am allergic to a couple other steroids, so it's not really a surprise there. Having used the other meds in it with out problems that seems to be the only solution for this. Keep in mind it could have been worse, but I do take 3 different allergy meds every day so the reaction could have come faster and worse if it wasn't for those. I'm good we have a new approach we are trying.... Have only heard good things about Trelegy and hoping it will help many. Thanks for you for asking

  2. Hi Diamonds, and thanks for your post and question - it's a good one. You may be aware we cannot provide medical advice or diagnostics over the internet (for your own safety), but your concern certainly warrants a reply. If you have been using this inhaler for 27 years successfully for asthma, perhaps with the new diagnosis (COPD), the actual level of your disease may have changed. It is also possible that, after 27 years, this medication is no longer efficacious for you especially, with a new diagnosis.
    However, I hear you, and your concern is a valid one! I would suggest that you discuss these concerns frankly and, at length with your physician. The doctor should be able to assess you now and perhaps a change to your medication regimen will help you to feel more comfortable. I will wish you 'good luck!' at your upcoming appointment in March. Would you be kind enough to check back and let us know how this all turns out for you?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Love what had to offer, may I add that you might want to check in to a Lung Specialist / Pulmonologist for further evaluation and treatment.?

      1. Hi again, dltld (Doris), and thanks for the 'shout out!' We also appreciate you chiming in with your own suggestions as well - they are good ones, indeed!!
        Have a great weekend!
        Leon (site moderator

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