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I’m a 70 yr old female I started smoking in the 60s I recently was admitted to hospital, my diagnosis were acute chronic respiratory failure I’m now on oxygen I’ve tried over and over the stop smoking programs and they just didn’t help me so now I’m living my life on oxygen I am on meds to help with breathing .i wished I could have quit but now I have to pay the price of smoking.

  1. Hi. Welcome to our community. You've found a supportive place where many of us understand the challenges of COPD firsthand. It's clear you've been through a lot, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Please know that you're not alone in your journey with this disease. Quitting smoking is incredibly challenging, and it's understandable that despite trying various programs, it hasn't been easy. It's important to be kind to yourself during this time. Your determination to seek support and your willingness to share your experience are commendable. Together, we can navigate through this and find ways to improve your quality of life with COPD. Do you feel you have a good doctor to help you best manage your COPD? John. community moderator

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