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So my last medical diagnosis read Moderate Persistent Asthma. My doctor (allergist) told me after reading my spirometry results that due to allergies he thinks I have chronic obstruction of my airways. I have had asthma attacks previously over the last 20 or so years but very few and far between. This past February I had wheezes several days. They seemed mostly after exposure to cold. I ended up having a FeNO testand scored 49. My spirometry result at that time was 80. I was put on Advair 500/50 and already had a rescue inhaler. 2 months later I saw the doctor, did a FeNO and was down to 10. My Spirometry was now 76 and the doctor started talking about keeping it from getting lower in the 30s-40s like those with severe COPD. I was given Intruse Ellipta to add to my routine with a follow-up in a month. One month later my spirometry was 74 so I was given an albuterol nebulizer treatment and it went up to a whopping 75. This time the provider suggested they need to look into other possibilities than asthma. Reflux was suggested and while I do have some problems with it, it is controlled. I had a worsening cough with the Intruse so we stopped that. Next day I had a message suggesting I need to get tested for Alpha 1 and I am scheduled for that test in 2 days. So, I am trying to figure out just what I need to do to keep if not improve my lung function and keep it from getting worse. I did use my rescue inhaler the day after my appointment because the Intruse cough was so horrible and it did wonders for both the cough and my breathing. I also feel much better off the Incruse. I am assuming I have COPD since my spirometry is under 80 and did not improve much after the neb treatment but in the back of my mind I wonder if the irritation from the Incruse affected my results. So, I have tentatively joined this site and hope to learn all I can to stay as healthy as I can for as long as possible. I hate seeing lower and lower spirometry results.

  1. Hi again, Shellykzoo - and now I see a little bit about what your confusion is all about. It's certainly understandable given all you are now going through looking for a diagnosis and treatment. Welcome to our COPD site - we have a wealth of information here all related to COPD. We hope you will avail yourself of the material as you begin to learn more and more about this condition. Please reach out to us for any support or guidance you may need. And know, you are always welcome here!
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator)

    1. Thanks Leon. It Is frustrating to feel like I did really good on the spirometry test then see results that are lower than normal. I should be glad my score is in the 70s so hopefully I can slow or halt the progression of decline before it gets worse. I see people with end stage COPD and it scares me. I am only in my early 50s and want to stay active. I really hope/wish my scores were a fluke.

      1. Hi again, Shellykzoo and thanks for your update. We understand all about COPD and being scared. The more you know, the better able you will be to manage and deal with your condition. We are all here to provide whatever support, information and camaraderie we can. We're glad to have you as part of our online community. Warmly, Leon (site moderator)

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