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Where can I find caregiver support here?

Where can I go to get caregiver support with general questions. Here? My spouse has COPD, smokes heavily still (3 packs a day), consistent cough, can't walk more than .1 miles, extreme fatigue and in severe denial. I'm at a loss and trying to hope for the best and prepare for the worse. It's exhausting as a caretaker and a spouse.

  1. Hi DLITE4TONIA and thanks for your post. We certainly hear you! There is no question that being a caregiver to a spouse has its challenges. You've come to the right place! We have a good number of articles covering the subject of caregivers and COPD. This link will provide you with access to many of them: I realize it is a lot of material - don't feel you have to read them all at once. I thought you might keep them handy as reference material moving forward. If we can assist you in any way, please let us know. Wishing you well, Leon (site moderator)

    1. Hi DLITE4TONIA! I want to piggyback off of Leon here and also direct you to this special section on COPD Caregivers & Loved Ones: This will have many of the same articles he already shared, but you may find something new as well. Please let us know if you can help you find anything else! Warmly, Graceann ( Team Member)

      1. Hello
        I share the helpless feelings of DLITE4TONIA, I too have a head strong husband with stage 4COPD
        trying to get him to walk or exercise is difficult, not sleeping, anxiety, panic attacks. Just plain worn out. I am hoping that this new site will give me some assistance in dealing day to day

        1. Hi KaryS and thanks for your post. As you can see, you are definitely not alone in your feelings as a caregiver. I believe you have come to the right place! We are all about all things COPD and COPD related - I'm hopeful you will find all you need right here on our website. You may also want to check out our COPD Facebook page. You will find many of our members there interacting all the time on (COPD) issues that are of concern to them. You are always welcome here! Leon (site moderator)

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