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breathing problems after COVID

I am 33s man. I was smoking occasionally between 20-27s. I practiced sport until I was 30 years old (triathlon). After COVID in 2021 I felt that my physical capacity slightly decreased and never improved. I explained it by not training anymore. After second COVID in January 2023 I felt that my breathing was even worse, and it has stayed until now. No cough and phlegm.

At the end of January 2023, I did a spirometry with the following results:
FVC: 5,92 (117%)
FEV1: 4,34 (104%)
FEV1/FVC: 75%
PEF: 9,74 l/s (113%)
The doctor said that everything is ok. I was still having problems so I was looking for a solution. I've been to several pulmonologists and none of them saw or heard anything alarming.

In March 2023 I did another spirometry (in a professional clinic) with the following results:

FVC: 6,11 (115%)
FEV1: 4,07 (94%)
FEV1/FVC: 67%
PEF: 12,20 l/s (127%)
after sulbutamol:
FVC: 6,10 (115%)
FEV1: 4,13 (95%)
FEV1/FVC: 68%
PEF:12,86 l/s (134%)

In June 2023 I did another spirometry (also in a professional clinic) with the following results:

FVC: 6,19 (117%)
FEV1: 3,71 (85%)
FEV1/FVC: 59%
PEF: 11,72 l/s (123%)
after sulbutamol:
FVC: 6,23 (117%)
FEV1: 3,93 (91%)
FEV1/FVC: 63%
PEF:12,44 l/s (130%)
DLCO: 40,56 (119%)
KCO: 5,50 (114%)
VA SB: 7,38 (107%)
Hb: 14,60 (100%)
TLCO: 7,70 (109%)
RV: 1,64 (89%)
RV/TLC: 21,35 (82%)
FRC: 4,52
VC: 6,06 (109%)
ERV: 2,88 (173%)
IC: 3,18 (83%)
ergospirometry is ok (SPo2: 98% before, and 96,8% after excersise, based on gasometry)

I also did HRCT but it showed no significant changes (only minor fibrosis in the tops of the lungs (probably a history of asymptomatic tuberculosis).

Can anyone know what's going on? I have read that it can be mild COPD 🙁

  1. The pulmonologist believes that it is not COPD, but at most persistent asthma. I've never been diagnosed with asthma, but I'm quite allergic to dust mites and have always had phlegm (although these symptoms have subsided for about 3 years).

    1. Thank you Leon for replying so quickly. Yes, I think it's long covid and it will finally pass. I'm just worried about the apparent deterioration of lung function on spirometry, and I still don't have a proper diagnosis.

      I'm just going crazy waiting for the right diagnosis by the doctors. Self-diagnosis on the internet doesn't help either, and since January (since I've been having trouble breathing) I've been doing it all the time. I have an elderly woman friend who suffers from COPD and I know how people with this disease suffer and I sympathize with them.

      I have a very strong allergy to house dust, I've had sinus problems for a long time, but this has gone away since I had sinus surgery 6 years ago. Remarkably, my IGE is now normal.

      I also regret that I used to smoke occasionally, but I will not change that. But I know for sure that I will never smoke anything again 😀.

      I've always been a positive person with lots of energy, and all of this is very difficult for me, and I didn't think I'd end up seeing a psychiatrist diagnosed with anxiety and depression.

      Sorry, I just needed to vent.

    2. Hi again, Pablo - you are always welcome to vent here within the community. It's actually a very good place for doing just that! You speak to an apparent deterioration of lung function on spirometry - I am not seeing what you're seeing. Have any of your physicians analyzed the PFT results? I would be curious to hear their explanation.
      It is understandable that your impatience (waiting to improve), is frustrating for you. I would suggest that you be a bit more tolerant of your present illness, knowing that it should pass and you should return to a good level of normalcy.
      It's also understandable how you feel about seeing a psychiatrist (at this time). I shared my story with you so you would know that you are not alone! This has been a challenging time for folks with and without pulmonary issues. The pandemic affected the entire world and, in its own way, each one of us.
      Try to be patient and kind with yourself - I think that will go a long way towards helping you to get through this.
      Please know you are always welcome here in our online community.
      Warm regards,
      Leon (site moderator

  2. and FENO: 17
    I am devastated and already seeing a psychiatrist for breathing problems 🙁

    1. Hi again, Pablo, and thanks for this additional information about seeing a psychiatrist to address the breathing issues. Many years ago, at the outset of my own asthma journey, I too saw a psychiatrist, which proved to be helpful in some ways for my therapy. Perhaps this will help you as well.
      What do you think?
      Leon (site moderator

  3. Hi, Pablo! Welcome. Please don't feel the need to apologize for venting -- that's exactly what the site is here for, and what the staff is here for. 😀 Sorry that you have been struggling so much lately. Regardless of what the diagnosis ends up being, it's hard to face an illness of any kind! You are doing the right thing by taking care of your mental health and trying to learn whatever you can. I want to let you know that we also have sister sites for asthma and allergies, if you want to check them out or think they could be a better fit for your situation. The addresses are and You have our full support as you work to figure this out -- if you have specific questions, we have tons of useful articles we can send your way. Try to be gentle with yourself and take things one day at a time. Wishing you the best! -Melissa, team

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