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Benefits stopped

Been getting benefits for asthma, depression and copd for many years i recently lost my 91 yr old father and my depression has deepened i am unable to get out of the house due to lack of breath and now i find my benefits has been stopped because these so called people tell me my medication take care of my illness, this complete rubbish it just makes is slightly easier to get around my home at a snails pace and i need help i do need benefits,

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of benefits. How frustrating! There is usually a provision to appeal these kind of decisions, so perhaps you can look into that. Do you have a case worker that's helping you? If so, start with them and see how much help they can be.
    Lyn ( site moderator)

    1. JonB - Where are you? We certainly cannot offer any specific help without a location. What country are you in? I live in Texas and have Medicare. For those in the UK the systems are different, and so on. Every country is different. Also, what is your illness? Without some more specific info it's difficult to get a picture of the situation and offer advice. Tell us more and we might be more able to help.

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