Hi again, CM3986, and thanks for your post.
One of the most important aspects of having a pulmonary function test (PFT) diagnostic study performed is the the effectiveness of the clinician performing the test combined with the best, consistent effort on the part of the patient. If that relationship is not fluid, the test results may not provide objective results. I am sorry to hear your two tests did not seem to be performed optimally. I even wonder if the results are valid and repeatable.
I do recall we had a conversation back in October, in which we spoke about a similar topic regarding the early stages. I believe the content of that conversation may even help you now as well.
For your convenience, here is a link to those posts: https://copd.net/forums/my-husband-and-i-both-diagnosed-last-year. Please take note of the three reference articles for which I provided links. I think you will find that information will be helpful for your expressed concerns now.
If we can assist you with anything moving forward, please let me or any other moderator / team member know.
Warm regards,
Leon (site moderator COPD.net)