The Emotional Pain of COPDMany with COPD suffer physical pain, other than the breathlessness that almost all of us with a respiratory condition suffer. I am lucky as a part from cramps I have...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Good Self Care for a Bad Day“You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help.” Calvin, “Calvin and Hobbes” by Bill Waterson “Ugh,” I rolled over and grabbed my comforter closer. “I...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
8 Things To Know About COPD PainWhile COPD isn’t necessarily a painful disease, there is some good evidence linking COPD to pain. Here are 8 things to know about COPD-related pain. If you suffer from chronic...Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
Yes, We Do Grieve Our Old LivesA couple of years ago on a grieving site, a person wanted to grieve her old life. Some on the site said that this was for grieving because someone died. This...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Have Peace of Mind with Lung Cancer ScreeningCOPD patients spend a lot of time focused on their lung health. Between staying on top of breathing treatments, going to pulmonary rehabilitation and receiving important vaccinations that can prevent...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
A Letter To My Family About COPDDear Loved One: Sometimes it’s difficult to talk to you, to tell you what I feel, to tell you what I’m going through. I have COPD, which stands for Chronic...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
Better Health with COPDWhen I think of better health, I think of fewer health issues, fewer doctor appointments and yes, better health. It seems strange to talk about better health when you are...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
My Son Taught Me How to Face My IllnessMy son is my hero. He's been through some tough times. I went into labor at barely seven months pregnant and when he was born he weighed three and a...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Managing Rain and HumidityIt’s no secret that the weather can affect your COPD, with rain and humidity topping the list of potential exacerbation triggers. Summer is upon us, and rising temperatures can lead...Reactions0reactionsComments19 comments
Find Your COPD BuddiesWhen I was first diagnosed with COPD (I have asthma/COPD overlap) in my mid 20s I was devastated and confused. I had never smoked a day in my life yet...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Stuffy Noses and COPD: What’s the Deal?Many people with breathing disorders like COPD also suffer from medical conditions that may make it hard to breathe through your nose. Here’s all you need to know. A 2007...Reactions0reactionsComments56 comments
More Than An IllnessBeethoven was a phenomenal composer, so famous for his music that we still love it. He also became deaf in his thirties.Frida Kahlo was a painter whose self portraits are...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Anxiety and Fear With COPDYou may know what it’s like to struggle to breathe, or to worry about having a panic attack, so you are possibly afraid to go out, go to bed, or...Reactions0reactionsComments50 comments
Eating Well While Eating Frugally Pt 2: Cooking and Recipes!Now that I'm in stage three COPD and am constantly fatigued I don't cook every day. I'd like to, simply because I really love cooking but it's not possible. My...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
The Heat is On: Effects of Hot Weather on COPDI'm a freak of nature I'm so hot. I need someone who'll continually fan me, bathe my face with a cold washcloth, shade me with a parasol, and feed me...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Intubation and VentilatorsChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term that is used to describe a group of lung conditions that, among other things, make it difficult to breathe well. Typically, COPD...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Importance of My HobbyI firmly believe that people with COPD and other chronic illnesses need to have some way to escape it. I believe we do better when we have goals and something...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Oxygen Levels and Supplemental OxygenWhen you have a chronic lung disease like COPD, doctors will often monitor your oxygen levels. If your oxygen levels are low, doctors may prescribe supplemental oxygen. So, what are...Reactions0reactionsComments41 comments
Eating Well While Eating Frugally Pt 1: How to ShopOther than helping my mom bake, I hated to cook when I was younger. I used to joke that I didn't cook; I reheated. Processed foods and premade entrées from...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
I’m Being Discharged...Now What?So, you’ve just spent the last 6 days in the hospital due to a flare-up of your COPD. Now the doctor has told you it’s time to go home. What...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments