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Zephyr valve

Has anyone had this done as now I waiting from consultant to see if and when I can have this done,and has it made any difference

  1. Hi @CommunityMember0894d1, thanks for reaching out. While I do hope you hear back from members in our community, I am sending over a forum discussion about this. I hope it is helpful. Jill,, team member

    1. I am scheduled for this procedure in 2 weeks. Will post how things go…

      1. Hi again, Gumby, and thanks for letting us know. I recall you have been interested in this procedure for a while now and so, I am glad to hear this is coming up for you soon.
        I will wish you 'good luck!', and will also look forward to you sharing the outcome with the community when you are ready to do so.
        Naturally, should you want to discuss anything further (before that time), we will be here for you!
        Warm regards,
        Leon (site moderator

    2. what type of surgery is required

      1. Great question. Are you referring to the procedure to get Zephyr valves? This is a procedure that is minimally invasive. It involves the placement of small, one-way valves in the airways of the lungs to improve lung function in individuals with severe emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you would like further information on zephyr valves, you may find the following post helpful to you ( What do you think? John. community moderator.

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