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Work Capability Assessment

I have been told about my WCA and have been told they bully and intimate you and make you do silly things is this true. Is there anyone that can advise me on the assessment.

  1. Hi again, Martyn, and thanks for this post. I see it is very similar to another post you made elsewhere on our platform, for which I was able to provide a response.
    For your convenience, and ease of reference, here is a link to that conversation:
    I do hope you have an opportunity to look over that conversation.
    What do you think?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Hi. It's the 28th November. It's in Leeds. One thing I am worried about is the building the assessment is in. It has 30+ steps up to the door (I will never make it)

    2. Hi again, Martyn - thanks for the update, I didn't realize you were located in England - our neighbor 'across the pond!' Let's try to stay positive - you will do fine!!
      Good luck then, on Monday!! Please do check back and let us know how it all turns out for you!
      Warm regards,
      Leon (site moderator

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