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Wife has missed 3 pulmonary funtion tests


  1. Hi again, - it's good to see you re-engaging with the community here - we hadn't heard from you in a while, and I was concerned.
    Now, based on this post of yours, I understand that you continue to be your wife's good advocate. I also recall we have had a number of conversations in July and August. These conversations were about your wife's care as it related to pulmonary rehabilitation and diagnostic testing procedures. For ease of reference, those conversations can be accessed here:
    I understand in your current post (above), you are looking for help of some kind. It sounds like your wife is not as active as you would like her to be.
    May I ask you for a progress report? Were the doctors able to help your wife (with the diagnostic testing)? Were you able to get her to the facility to be tested?
    I understand (from your comment), that you may be feeling somewhat frustrated at your wife's lack of energy. Is she being followed by the medical team? Is she receiving therapy for her present illness? Do you have friends and/or family who can help you?
    Please do let us hear back from you - we are all here for support.
    Warm regards,
    Leon L. (author / moderator)

    1. Today we canceled the third pulmonary function test she's never made it into the hospital yet we have the next one scheduled for next month

      1. Hi again, , and thanks for this post and question. I see you posted something very similar elsewhere on our platform, for which I was able to provide a reply. For ease of reference, here is a link to that conversation:
        For your convenience, here is the answer I provided to you there (in quotes):

        "Hi again, CommunityMemberea152c - and thanks for re-engaging with this conversation. I see that (about a month ago), we were talking about the challenges your wife (and you) were facing having a pulmonary function test (PFT) performed in the office. From your post, it sounds like she has not been tested as yet.
        To my knowledge, a full PFT is not something that can be done in one's home setting. The complex equipment needed is not made to be transported. I will tag my clinical colleagues ( and ), to see if they have something to contribute as well.
        Are you still working with the same physician(s)?"

        All the best, Leon L. (author / moderator)

      2. You both are going through so much. This is so difficult. I am not an expert, but my understanding is that pulmonary testing is not possible at home because the equipment and environment have to be just right. I know in the past someone suggested traveling in advance to stay at the hospital overnight, but it seems like the bigger concern for her is getting through the long journey, is that right?

        Now. I recognize that this would be highly inconvenient, but is there any way you can break up those 70 miles, to give your wife a chance to recover and feel less anxious? This could be over the course of hours or even days, assuming you bring along her oxygen.

        Something else I am thinking about is having an ambulance come and transport her, so that she can have oxygen and temperature support and constant monitoring the whole way. I know the hospital has been tricky, but it's their job to help you, and it doesn't seem possible for your wife to make the trip.

        We are always here to listen. Thinking about you. -Melissa, copd team

    2. Hello There, I think going by myself, I felt low once, didn’t want to go to appointments, I am still like that abit I just felt down most likely then depression kicked in, just wanted to be left alone didn’t want to go anywhere and sat there feeling so so low and crap. Thought what is the point of anything, people don’t understand only those who have it, that’s when I joined this site and it helped me.You just want to be left alone sit there with my thoughts and worry alittle what is there to come, basically leave me alone and feel down nobody understands the depth it can go with these kind of feelings. Maybe your wife could look at this site herself and join in, but not pushed, then you realise you’re not alone. Basically I think only going by me and MY SITUATION, your wife could be depressed, very down in herself.X

      1. My heart goes out to you, But mostly to your wife.X

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