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Why is my spO2 always 95+ but I'm always SOB. Never found a good answer in my research or talking with my pulmonist.

This causes a lot of anxiety and depression.

  1. I sure hope someone has a good answer for you. I have asked this same question to both my cardiologist and pulmonologist. I certainly don't remember a good (reasonable) answer. This is not something happening to me often but it does happen! I would like a good answer on what is happening....

    1. Hi. Great question that you ask. And this is a common one that I am often asked in the hospital setting. The answer I give to my patients is detailed by me in this article on our sister site ( My colleague Kathy also tackled this topic in her post right here ( It is not uncommon for people with lung diseases to feel short of breath yet still have normal oxygen saturations. And I think these articles should help explain this strange phenomenon. If, after reading these articles, you still have questions, please feel free to ask here and I (or one of my colleagues/team members) will get back with you. Also, it is not uncommon to experience anxiety and depression due to shortness of breath. There are things your doctor can recommend to help you. Have you had a chance to talk to your doctor about this? John. community moderator.

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