Since the end of may, I had been having issues with shortness of breath, chest pain, overall lethargy. We did every test possible for the heart, EKG, Echocardiogram, Coronary CTA and everything came back clean, well aside from stage 2 hypertension diagnosis. The symptoms remained however and at the end of November I was referred to a pulmonologist which upon going in i thought nothing of it until i was told that my FEV1 was at 66% and with albuterol treatment it only went up to 68%. My DLCO is good however 115% and the Coronary CTA didn't show any signs of emphysema aside from a small spot on the lower portion of the lungs.
The kicker is i am only 36 years old with the lungs of an 80 year old of equivalent height. I am unable to find hardly any information regarding the outcomes of younger people like myself who have had to live with the condition for decades / Quality of life / complications etc.
Has anyone else out there had or known someone who was diagnosed at an early age and if so would you be able to share what sort of prognosis this means for me?
36 yo Male, smoked from the time i was 14-32, haven't smoked in 4 years over a pack a day for 12 of those years