What are the effects of oxygen toxicity and how does it occur?How
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how does too much oxygen affect the body. What reading indicates you are getting too much?
John Bottrell, RRT Member
Last Updated:
Great question, I am very glad you brought this up. Interestingly, I am currently working on an article that attempts to answer your question, as others here have asked it as well. Generally speaking, if you have COPD and require small doses of oxygen (such as 2-4 LPM) overoxygenating is usually not an issue. While it is rare, there is a small percentage of COPD patients with chronic hypercapnia (such as CO2 higher than 55) experience slowed breathing and potentially dangerously high CO2 levels. This is explained best in this article from the National Library of Medicine (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5461124/). It's mostly something to consider for COPD patients who are requiring high oxygen levels (such as 100% oxygen) in the hospital setting. Is this the type of response you were looking for? John. community moderator