Is anyone here that can help me understand why and what I should do about my feet/ankles swelling up
CommunityMember4df991 Member
Has anyone had lung transplant that can help me go through mine more info4med
SamanthaSarube Community Admin
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
Are you being considered for lung transplantation? Please know you are always welcome to access our community as often and, for as long as you like. We will be more than happy to converse with you about your expressed concerns.
Wishing you well,
Leon (site moderator
dltld Member
get those feet raised, preferred above your heart. Recliner is nice if you have one, but if you do not here is a couple ideas. Lay on sofa, slight pillow under head for comfort. Then stack pillows / folded blankets etc... near the end of the couch so you can comfortably lay your legs up on to the arm of the sofa. If you wish to be in bed, well pretty much the same, build up the "foot end" of the bed to get those feet up in the air.
Is any part of your feet or legs feeling feverish or ice cold achy? Is any then turning blue, toes, ankle, knees? Your cough is worse, having chess tightness or pain, if any of this is happening, go to the Emergency Room.
Lastly there is so many reason this could be happening that you truly should call your doctor ASAP let them know what is happening and get in to see them. This way you will be treating the problem properly.
Wish you much luck, hope you are able to get this settled quickly. Let us know!
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
What do you think?
Leon (site moderator
Bud U Member
see a cardiologist asap. circulation and water retention could be a cause