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Water thirst.💧💦

Hi Everybody, I have had a terrible thirst for water lately, for the past two weeks, I am a coffee drinker, I love my coffee in the morning, but in saying that I have had a terrible thirst for water instead.I have been wondering if it has anything to do with copd, emphysema, the lungs. Just have a thirst for water all the time, I haven’t had many hots drinks like I normally do, just cold water drinks, the colder the water the better have even put water in the freezer to make it as cold as I can before it ices up to much.It is becoming silly how much water I am guzzling down.Dry mouth all the time, I know it can be a side effect of medications a dry mouth, but could this thirst for water be anything else to do with a symptom of copd. It has changed so quickly from my nice strong hot cup of coffee. Even going off the taste of coffee completely, STRANGE carry on.X

  1. CopdGirl,
    I get thirsty quite often myself. But not excessively as you describe your thirst. Have you ever been checked for diabetes? I know that excessive thirst is a symptom of high blood sugar. Maybe talk to your doctor about this. Your body will also tell you if you are dehydrated by triggering thirst. If the excessive thirst continues, please contact your doctor and see what he says. Hopefully it is nothing serious, because you have enough to worry about as it is with COPD. Take Care and God Bless!

    1. Thankyou for your reply Dminor9, yes if it continues I might have to go to the Doctors, everyone has noticed also. I try to avoid the Doctors, oh well we will see. Thankyou again Dminor9.X Weird I love my coffee alot as well, Or did.X

  2. Hey, ! There are a few things that I know could be going on. Please remember we can’t give out medical advice. This is just my thoughts of what I have read on excess thirst. It could be many things including the ones you have said meds, dehydration, diabetes, anemia, and hypercalcemia which is something that I had . Here is an article if you’re interested. Hope this helps.
    Best, Jackie (Moderstor)

    1. Hi Jackie, Thankyou for your reply, I have read the link, Thankyou for this link very informative, indeed.X

    2. You’re welcome, ! Best, Jackie (Moderator)

  3. , I don't know if you are on Supplemental Oxygen, I am, I find that when my water bottle on my concentrater goes empty I get really thirsty. I have also noticed with all these hot temperatures that I'm drink a lot more water.

    1. Hi Jbyrd, Thankyou for your reply and reasons what it could be, I am not on oxygen, YET so it could be the weather, but it hasn’t been that good of weather here. But I am grateful for your reply, Thankyou again.X

  4. Hmmm, I am with the crowd on this one. Time to visit the doctor, girlfriend. This thirst, coupled with other things you have shared like your swelling and the fall are worth a checkup.

    Three things:

    * Do you know when you last had your blood sugar tested?

    * You could also look at the pharmacy for a dry mouth product you can buy without a prescription. Here in the US a common one is called Biotene, not sure what it will be where you are but they are common and could help you feel more comfortable.

    * Have you tried drinking other things? I wonder if your body is craving more than just water ... sometimes our electrolytes (sodium and others) can get out of balance. Maybe a (low sugar) sports drink could help.

    Thinking about you. Take good care of yourself! -Melissa, team

    1. thank you for asking. Doing okay, just getting some needed rest. I have to say, it appears as you are the one we need to worry about right now! Please take care dear friend. Hugs to you!

    2. Hi dltld, Big gentle Hugs to you. MY DEAR FRIEND, get that rest you need.X

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