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Two steps forward

I was doing really good until spring when I caught a cold and now can’t get rid of the bronchitis. Dr. Put me on a prescription for the nebulizer, as well as a pill to try and improve my breathing. This medicine throws me into SVT’s. I eliminated one it a time trying to figure out the culprit. The cost of these medication‘s were outrageous. Being a senior that really cuts into my budget. I’ll be working the rest of my life to pay for the medicines.

  1. Hello ! I hear you. Those meds are not cheap and that can be very frustrating. As you know, we are not doctors and can not give medical advice but my suggestion would be to ask for a sputum culture if they haven't done so already so. That way they know exactly what to treat if that is what is needed. Also, maybe your doctor and you could go over what meds your insurance won't cover. Here is an interesting article that I found about bronchitis if you're interested. I hope it helps. Best, Jackie (Moderator)

    1. Hi Hyper15! Oh SVT's (supraventricular tachycardia) are not fun at all and hopefully you have or can figure out which med is doing this to you, doctor or pharmacy could help you figure it out as it could be a side effect stated on the packaging. As for cost, oh yes there is many meds out there that will empty the bank account fast. As Jackie mentioned about asking your doctor for alternative meds or even ask for samples and or see if they can put you on a program with the drug company themselves. Searching the internet by the maker of the drugs and adding the word "coupon" might lead you to something also. You did not say rather your Doctor was a Primary or a Lung Specialist. Seeing a Special after all this time might be of interest to see if they have a little more to offer. Hoping you find relief soon! Hugs

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