Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you have a blessed one. I for one am going to pig out! This is my first year going it solo. So, I made my annual pilgrimage to the HEB website on Tuesday and ordered the stuff. Can't afford a turkey and all the fixin's this year, especially for just me, so I decided on a crockpot roast. Got 4 pounds of chuck roast, 2 pounds of carrots, 3 pounds of new red potatoes, a big white sweet onion, a large can of cut mushrooms, and some spices. And a cake! Started the prep work about Noon. It took me ten hours to finish it! Between the backache from the counter work and the hand cramps, I had to take a lot of breaks, and I was plumb wore out when I finished at 2300 last night. Crashed hard! Got up at 0430 this morning. Couldn't find the crock pot. Unbelievable!!! It took over an hour of breaking open already packed boxes (packed by family members for the move that has yet to happen, to find it, but I did finally find it, in the last place I looked, of course. Geez! Got it washed, the pot stacked and filled, and plugged in at 0530. It's now about 0700 and it smells good already! This is not my first rodeo and I do a mean pot roast, so I know the day will only get better, but I am already tired! Oh, well, it's worth it. I will be fat and happy for several days now. And warm sunshiny weather will be here on the weekend, though it is pouring all day today. My best friend Gordon (he also has COPD) is coming to visit tomorrow, so I will have at least some holiday company. We will listen to the traditional Alice's Restaurant, which we always do!No family, though. We are not getting along too well at the moment. But you can't have everything. Where would you put it?
Anyway, hopefully my stomach will tolerate it all, and I will have a few days off from eating soup and sandwiches. And the physical ordeal, which was the hardest it's ever been this time, will have been well worth it. Meanwhile, Coffee!!! Nectar of the gods! Blessings to all of you! I will count mine today as the ability to still cook (no open flame on the crockpot which is electric), and to be able to take care of the housework, so far. It's getting harder, but I am still fighting this good fight.
Share your thanksgiving adventure if you want to, I know I'd love to hear it!