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Here we go again! Another Exacerbation!

I woke up the other morning last weekend with the definite feeling that I was coming down with another lung infection. Shore 'nuff it happened. Again! Aargh!
Luckily, the Doc was scheduled to come see me on Thursday. She tested me for COVID and the flu and both were negative, so she took a sample for the lab and gave me a scrip for Augmentin. It got here at noon yesterday. I took one then and crashed hard. I was very miserable and had to use my walker just to move around. after sleeping all day, I tried to get up and watch the game, but by the time I ate a snack and took my meds, I had to go back to bed. Now I woke up at 0140 feeling like I just did a bump! All itchy and twitchy and unable to be still. So I got up, guzzled some water, ate some snack crackers, and burned a tube of albuterol. Still antsy, so I started this post. Exactly the opposite of how I felt when I went to bed last night. I think I will go spend a few minutes putting out the trash and getting some more water before I try to crash again. It's almost time for the next pill anyway. I am now starting to drop back off that cliff. I feel the crushing headache and body aches returning, being almost completely unable to breathe and even move. If I can sleep until noon, that would be nice. I don't even want to be awake feeling like this. But the threat is having to go to the hospital. and I do NOT want that nightmare. The doc said I was on thin ice and needed to stay down and still and sleep all I can, so that's what I will do. But I am on the razor edge of pneumonia, and I don't want to go there, because the farther down I slide, the harder it is to come back. So I'll shut up now, cuz I'm making myself nervous about the hospital. Oh, Virginia, it's just a step way, I'm just a step away!

  1. I immediately had a visual of Fred Sanford there.
    One of the hardest things I have yet to learn well is that control is an illusion. We like to try and control what we eat, how we sleep, exercise, medicate, schedule visits.... but we really fool ourselves into believing we can control how we do day to day. There is truth at times when I think of the Beatles. Let it be. It's gonna happen the way it is supposed to sometimes. Anxiety does little to help, that much we all understand, and the rabbit hole is deep to climb out of.
    We are here for ya. Long distance maybe, but a friendly ear at times is reassuring. Just deposit another 25 cents for the next 5 minutes......

    1. ,
      Wow kloker. It never seems to end for you. You have been through the ringer more times than I can remember. Hang in there, as you always do. I feel you on the hospital thoughts. I hate going there myself and do everything I can to stay away from that nightmare. Keep resting up and sleeping as much as you have to. Recover as soon as is possible. There is nothing worse than feeling like another infection is on the horizon. Been there, done that. Don't want to do it again. Please take care kloker and God Bless!

      1. Oh man! Sure hope you were able to get some more rest since you posted. Stay hydrated, forget about the chores and just take care of yourself. Praying that you stay away from the dreaded hospital. Hope someone is checking in on you during this time of ill feeling. Thoughts are always with you, extra prayers for you too! Take it easy my friend

        1. ,
          I am glad to hear you are starting to recover somewhat and feeling a little better. Keep resting and try to get some food in your stomach. Doing everything one can to stay away from the hospital is a must, I agree. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care kloker and God Bless! Keep us posted on your recovery please!

        2. CopdGirl,
          Hope all is well with you and your family. I think of you and dltld often and wonder how you all are doing. Take care also!

      2. Update: Well, y'all, I'm having so much fun I could spit! And I am. Anyways, I just woke up from a 12-hour nap and I might have burned up the bearings in my walker getting to the bathroom! I did manage to eat about a half a bowl of soup with my night meds last night, and then crashed hard. I just woke up at 12.35 and my coffee is still hot. Getting my morning meds done a little late and will probably go back to bed after that. But I did wake up feeling a little bit better. More later.

        1. Hi . I am glad you are getting some solid sleep and feeling a bit better. Keep trying to get those nutrients in your body. You need that as much as sleep. Thanks for the update. I hope you will continue to keep us posted. Sending loads of healthy vibes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

        2. ,
          Keep on keeping on brother! Sounds like you are on the road to recovery. The sooner the better for sure. Next time you are up, maybe put some Four80East on to listen to as you fall back asleep. Keep us posted please! Take care and God Bless!

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