I was diagnosed in April, 2018. For a week or so, my congestion and wheezing was so loud, it woke me up or kept me from sleeping. I smoked a bit more than a pack a day. Finally, I decided to see my Dr. and ask for a strong quit smoking patch or whatever. I was very skeptical as I enjoyed smoking so much and no patch or lozenge would help.
Early one morning, I could hardly breathe. I got up and just knew if I laid back down, I'd die. I crawled to the phone and called for help. They told me to unlock the front door...fifteen feet away..OH NO! I did. I recall being placed into bed in a large private room YES! At least an eighty inch TV RE YES! X rays were clear. No fever. Only a high white count. Three days later after swabs, I got diagnosed. Now, I am in mild stage, with sats at 96. Albuterol inhaler is GREAT. I also have spiriva respimat, advair and nebulizer. Friends know "all about it"....they hardly ever ask me to visit them, knowing I can't promise anything for a future date. They visit me infrequently. NOW, I get "When are you going to get over this?" Then offer holistic suggestions....honey, ginger and vinegar will heal me!! Then hey, tell your brain you're getting better. Your brain will tell your body you're getting better then you will be cured!
Flair ups send me to the hospitals...I've been there seven times and will go again. Flair ups are my only concern as I will probably die of old age before COPD kills me...but the flair ups...hmmm. Before I was diagnosed in 2018, I did not have the flu or a cold since 1996. Getting a disease was totally different. I don't regret having smoked because I liked it. I don't regret having this because I knew of the risks. Sometimes this is hell. Most times it's a constant weight on me every second of the day BUT I have mostly mild symptoms. Getting FAT from prednisone, can't walk too far because of two trashed knees. Oh, well, buy bigger shirts and keep helping people and making them smile or laugh.