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Is it normal for your feet and knees to swell up with copd?

  1. Lately my feet and ankles have been swelling. I'm taking a diaretic but it doesn't seem to be doing much good. They have reduced feeling and don't look good.

    1. ,
      Please see my post to Nikkiwife74. God Bless!

  2. ,
    The answer is yes and no. Feet and lower leg swelling (edema), is caused by a buildup of fluids in the legs and feet. It doesn't necessarily increase with COPD. It can be caused by lots of other conditions in your body. Heart, circulation, kidneys, blood oxygen, etc. It is best to contact your doctor or medical team if selling is becoming a problem. It can be a sign of more serious conditions. Please contact your doctor. God Bless!

    1. thank you for your reply on swelling do you suffer from copd yourself? All the comments that me and Nikki receive are helpful thankful for all of your time in replying x

    2. ,
      Yes, I do suffer from COPD. I was diagnosed almost a year ago after a week in the ICU with mycobacterial pneumonia. I tested out with moderate COPD. I do not have any swelling of my feet or lower legs at this time. Of course, that could change at any time. I take it one day at a time. Any time I have a problem, I call my medical team and they are very responsive with what to do. Take care and stay in touch on the forum.

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