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My feet, ankles and legs are huge. The swelling of my abdomen is best described as the swollen belly if an Ethiopian starving child we have identified with over the years. I take one Potassium Chloride a day. Not doing any good. I'm all ears here

  1. Hi again, Drubear - nice to see you posting here again.
    You may be aware we cannot provide medical advice or diagnostics over the internet (for your own safety), but you've posed a serious concern, one that deserves a reply.
    You may be interested in knowing that this condition (COPD), affects everyone differently. Having said that, for many folks with COPD, the condition can be accompanied by other medical conditions, often referred to as comorbidities.
    In some cases, the comorbidities may include swelling of one's extremities. I thought you might gain some additional insight from this article, which focuses on this very subject: I do hope you find it to be helpful in a practical way. You also may want to discuss this further with your physician. If this turns out to be a diagnosis for you, the doctor should be able to discuss suitable management of the condition.
    I see you have also mentioned a swollen abdomen. There are any number of medical conditions that may result in swelling of the abdomen - this, too, is something you'll want to bring to your physician's attention.
    I do hope this brief reply has been helpful for you.
    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator

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