Diagnoses with COPD Stage 2 four months ago. Taking Trilogy, Montelukast SOD, Roflumilast, Azelastine, and Albuterol HFA. I have good and bad days. Today was one of the good ones. Had to sit down a couple of times between chores but ok after a few minutes. A couple of days ago it required three hours of a sound sleep as all energy drained. Flu symptoms come and go, and Excedrin helps. Affects my stomach (sore) and sometimes experience soreness in kidneys & back. I thought I was suffering from major disease. I'm 75 and caring for wife with dementia (FTD-bv) which is not too much of a strain. All the symptoms made me feel I was dealing a cancer or other debilitating. After reading 30 minutes here, I guess COPD can be debilitating. Diet changes coming. Already learned how to cut chores up in steps. One step at a time.