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Stage 4 COPD

The most frustrating thing is not having energy to do anything trying to walk gets my heart rate going so high. I have no strength now it takes awhile to catch my breath after walking and I can't walk very far. I've been on oxygen since 2013 24/7 I use concentrators. I'm glad to be I've even though I can't do anything but watch TV or read.

  1. Hi . I wish you were able to do more, but I am glad you are optimistic. Are you at least able to get a change of scenery now and then by sitting on a porch or a patio? Do you ever encourage people to come by and visit? If you can't get out to see them, maybe they can come see you and play a card game or a board game for a bit. Thank goodness for the internet. It at least allows everyone some support and interaction. What genre do you like to read most? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. We are identical in everything that I read. I have been accused of "exaggerating' my level of lung use. Oh, they get used, because like you, even walking to the bathroom and back is like working a 20 hour shift waitressing with no breaks. I hope you feel better and be happy that you have a supportive family.

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