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So confused !

I am such a mess. I had an exacerbation which hospitalized me back in April. I was diagnosed with asthma in the past. They told me that I had COPD. So I went to a Pulmonologist and it has been confirmed. Since then I seem to have continuous exacerbations. My GP puts me on Prednisone and the nebulizer(albuterol ). I get much better and then after the steroid course wears off the symptoms come back and I wind up back where I was. Just walking around the house now , I am out of breath. My oxygen is ok.
Now my GP is treating me for a fungal infection that showed up in a sputum test. Because of the drug I am taking(Fluconazole) for that, I cannot take Prednisone. I don't know what to do. To be honest I'm not a doctor worshiper . I have always tried to work through things myself. Now I can't even walk when I am told that exercise is the best thing for COPD.

  1. Hi . We are not medical experts, but I do know that infections can cause exacerbations. I hope that treating the fungal infection helps. Has your doctor said how long it might take to be rid of it? Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Tired & just saw this. Will reply tomorrow

      1. , I feel so bad for you. How frustrating & it can be depressing. I use to have a lot of exacerbations but now I don’t. It could take me a substantial amount of time between being sick & then regaining energy so I felt halfway human again.
        Luckily I never had another flare up one after the other. I agree with that an infection in your system could be causing this. I would tell your doctor everything you’re experiencing.
        I can take via nebulizer (albuterol) whenever I feel I’d like or need to.
        You didn’t mention an antibiotic or maybe the drug you mentioned for infection is one?
        I always use to try to work through things myself too. With COPD we really need the help of a good doctor or pulmonologist. You can’t do much in life if you can’t breathe. It’s time to give yourself a break and let others help. That is a sign of strength not weakness.
        I was not as you call it a doctor worshiper. I was very strong & wonderfully healthy. When I was having trouble breathing & the anxiety that can cause I realized I could not fix it myself.
        I definitely feel at times we need to shop around for a doctor that we feel good with & we also have to give doctors a chance. You are in control & pay for their services so perhaps asking others with respiratory problems who they recommend would be helpful. I think you being a member of this community is great. Learning as much as you can about this issue is important & people that share with you their ideas and successes helps.
        I would not delay in seeing doctor again. Write down your symptoms & any questions you need to ask him. It’s amazing how you can forget things without doing this.
        With COPD you want to get flare ups under control. Keeps your lungs much healthier & slows down progression.
        Once flare ups get under control you can start to exercise which is so beneficial to our problem along with many other practices that help, immensely.
        If you like a challenge you’ve got one with COPD. It is a fight that can feel insurmountable at this time but with proper care you can again gain control & feel so much better. Please take good care of yourself 👍

    2. I thought you might like this article.
      I just read it as I had bookmarked it yesterday to read today

      1. Thank you so much for this reply. So nice of you to take the time to answer me.
        I was just in the hospital again last night. On Prednisone again, taking an anti-fungal and using the nebulizer 3 times a day. I feel like it is so hard to connect with doctors. However, I understand what you are saying and for me it is very helpful. Thank you.

    3. Thank you so much for this reply. So nice of you to take the time to answer me.
      I was just in the hospital again last night. On Prednisone again, taking an anti-fungal and using the nebulizer 3 times a day. I feel like it is so hard to connect with doctors. However, I understand what you are saying and for me it was very helpful. Thank you.

      1. Just checking in, Sal -- how are you feeling? Any improvements yet with the steroids? Take good care of yourself and try to rest. Thinking of you. -Melissa, team member

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