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Sleeping with COPD

As my COPD gets worse I’m finding it impossible to sleep what with gasping for air all the time I don’t know what to do

  1. Hi . You must be frustrated and exhausted. There are lots of options for people with COPD who have trouble breathing at night from changes in positioning to oxygen to nebulizers. Have you talked with your doctor about your nighttime breathing issues? Here is an article about sleeping in a recliner that might interest you: I hope you get some good advice from your doctor and lots of input from the community. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thanks for reply I would just like to say and it may help people to sleep last week I caught COVID and found it totally impossible to sleep what with gasping for air all night and by chance took 2 paracetamol 500 ml although had to take them every 4hrs what a treat sleeped really well I’m not saying thay would work for everyone but certainly worked for me every night hopefully it might help other people

      1. Thanks for sharing what helped. It must have been a huge relief to get some sleep. - Lori (Team Member)

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