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Alesandra Bevilacqua
Last Updated:
Inhalers, breathing devices, oxygen - comment with a picture of your COPD treatment and management toolkit!
Grettal Member
Does the trick
johnmarshall Community Admin
Beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing with us 😀 - John M. ( Team)
Hi hope you like my photo
melaniem Community Admin
, amazing, thanks for sharing all those with us!
, I do like it, the flowers are beautiful! It's a very cheery photo! ~Melanie Merritt (Team member)
Beowulf Member
lots of tropical plants and herbs. Obligatory meds, 02 prn, exercise gear, air purifiers.
That looks like a great setup! What are some of the plants you have there? Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful day 😀 - John M. ( Team)
Thank you