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Sexercise and motivations

I haven't seen much on the subject of sexuality. I am 66 years old and stage 3+ emphysema. I will admit that rehab did help with independence, mobility and building confidence. That led me to ask the Dr. the question of what else I could do. My overall testosterone level was down. He suggested HRT therapy (hormone replacement therapy) for motivation and to prevent muscle loss. After a few lab tests and finding the right dosage, I now get a quick shot every 2 weeks. This has also boosted my libido substantially. Overall all I think it helps in many ways for muscle strengthening and other facets. The next question was, what else? He responded sexercise. Wow. I will say there is ultimate truth in use it or lose it; I get sore muscles I didn't even remember I have. Certainly limited in abilities, but I was also prescribed Paxil to help with anxiety which provides other benefits.I am curious if any other males here are seeing similar results or been given similar recommendations? Truth in the old saying "keep moving forward." If there are other helpful articles about intimacy can someone point me in the right direction (no pun intended). Cheers.

  1. Hi I appreciate you bringing this topic up and sharing your experience so openly! I'm sure if others have a similar experience they will chime in in the meantime here are some articles and a forum where people are talking about their intimacy with COPD: All the best, Sam S. (COPD team).

    1. Thanks Sam for the links. No real advantage is beating around the bush on asking the questions instead of feeling like the Lone Ranger sometimes.

      1. NIck, this is great, wish others would be more opened about everything that can effect our lives. Great for you! sexercise is a perfect cardio and resp. work out, darn and have a nice restful nap afterward! You go! Hopefully you and your partner takes your time building up your muscles again and continue on with other forms of exercise also. Please keep telling your findings on your treatments, it's how people learn and maybe will start talking about other aspects of life that is affected by this and other illnesses. Hoping Tonto is riding with you!

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