I was extra tired last night, not feeling very well, so I crashed early, about 2330. Woke up at around 0130, went to the bathroom, got a drink, went back to sleep. Didn't feel good at all. Woke up again about 0430 thinking I might need to go to the ED. Got up, took some Tylenol, drank some water, and my temp was 101.5 F. My Oximeter was 98 over 145. So, high fever and heart rate. I felt extremely overheated, like my skin was on fire, but not sweaty at all. I also had severe chills. I sat up for a half hour and then got back under the covers, falling right back to sleep as I felt exhausted. Now I woke up at 1020 and fever is down to 100.5. My skin is still hot and no sweating. Chills but just a little bit. Oximeter is at 97 over 109. No breathing issues, just extreme body aches and feverish feeling with the chills. The chills have now dissipated a half hour later, and I feel much more relaxed. I've done all my meds and readings. BP is 152/73. Got some more water and I'm going back to bed now, still very tired and sleepy, shaky. Really weird! Don't know how I could have caught anything, I've had not a single visitor for two weeks other than my nurse on Wednesday. Oh, well. Hopefully when I wake up after while I will feel better. Maybe I should work on adapting that song achy breaky heart to this illness? I could call it achy breaky body!