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I loved smoking. Tried to quite 24 times, finally quit 3 years ago. How I wish I had never started vaping. Feel guilty every day. When I WASN'T smoking or vaping felt great. I don't know what's wrong with me. Think about it all the time. Will join another class to see if it helps. Feel worse vaping than smoking.

  1. Hi , quitting smoking is hard! Also, I know guilt can be a really difficult thing to contend with but keep in mind, no one deserves to get sick. We all make choices, and yes have to live with them but that doesn't mean we deserve bad things to happen to us. Unfortunately, we didn't always know just how bad smoking was for us and how easy it is to get addicted to it. Please know our community is here anytime you need someone to talk to, need support or just to vent. Wishing you a peaceful day. All the best, Sam S. (COPD.Net, Team Member).

    1. Thank you so much. I didn't know smoking was bad when I started and of course then I was hooked,, but after 52 years I quite. Next will be the vaping. It's so nice how welcome you all make me feel.

      1. Wow! You quit! Amazing! Nicotine is the single most addictive substance on Earth, so that is no small feat! Vaping, however, is no different - it just tastes different. Contrary to what they tell you, it is not less damaging to your lungs, and any information to the contrary is not true. If fact, vaping can easily be much more damaging than cigarettes, and there is a monitored death rate to prove it. I'll tell you when you'll quit for good. On the day you find yourself unable to breathe. At that point, you will be quite completely willing to do anything! Quitting will suddenly be easy! Go ahead - ask me how I know. Being unable to breathe is the worst thing you will ever experience. So, when it happens, you will easily be able to quit. If you can quit before then, do it!

        1. There is nothing wrong with you. It’s an addiction that is one of the hardest to give up. I quit almost 7 years ago. I smoked on oxygen. It was horrible.
          I smoked 2 packs a day for 40 years & tried everything to stop. I couldn’t. I had a wake up call from a very blunt doctor & over the next few months continued to smoke. There was one thing I had not tried & that was Nicotrol Nasal Spray. Your doctor must approve it & write a prescription. I am not saying it would work for you, but it did for me.
          You are not a failure. Please keep trying.

          1. Once again, Joan, thanks so much for chiming in here and expressing your feelings to our community. It's always good for us to share our lives here. It helps to know others are having similar experiences as we are.
            We are glad to have you as a member of our online community.
            Wishing you well,
            Leon (site moderator

          2. I didn't even though this Nadal spray existed. Thanks for sharing it.

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