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I learned something new for when the power goes out!

This last week we had a power outage for about 7 hours or so. I only had 3 hours of a portable tank left and ended up in the Emergency Room to hook up to their O2. A nice young nurse there had some information to share with me, I had never heard of. I followed her suggestion today being the first business day after the problem and this is what I was told.

If you are on a life supporting or saving device at home, contact your local power company and let them know. Thus they can then make a plan based on emergency life saving needs vs the average person. There is no guarantee that your power will be back up and running immediately, but they are aware of the need and will schedule their work as needed based on you and/or others in the same situation. Some companies could be willing to help with or give a nice discount to help you obtain a generator for your home.

My power company is emailing me a form that I and my doctor(s) need to fill out and return to them for this purpose stated above. They also will notify First Responders to make sure you are checked in on and taken to the nearest safe place if they can't get to your outage. (I will be on top of that and not count on anyone to make that move for help, but I do like the idea.) My power company does not offer assistance of any kind for help with a generator. Still grateful they will take the information for consideration.

Do not forget to ask the same power company if you would qualify for a reduction in your monthly billing for such devices also. I do get a small percentage discount.

Good luck all!

  1. Hi again, (doris), and thanks for sharing this with the community. I remember, just the other day, you posted about the most challenging day with treatment, power outages, and delays, you also mentioned that you wound up in the emergency department (ED), to tie in to their oxygen source. I recall you saying you did not have a sufficient supply in your cylinder at home.
    So now, you were able to magnanimously and selflessly share all the details of what happened that day, and, how you were able to get through it all. You are a marvel!!!
    Thanks, too, for lending your continued sage advice which comes from your real world experience. In spite of everything that you are enduring, you are still thinking of others and sharing it all here!
    What more can I say, doris? You truly are remarkable!
    We are so fortunate to have you as an active member here in our online community.
    Warmest regards,
    Leon (site moderator

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