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Portable Handheld Neublizer

Does anyone use them and is there one you have had success with? Easy use?

  1. Hi , i'm confident that other members of our community will chime in if they have a shared experience but in the meantime, here is an article on nebulizers that you might find interesting: All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. Hi theexblessd, and thanks for this question - it's a good one. As my colleague, , has said, others in the community will hopefully, join in once they see your inquiry. I see Samantha also provided a good reference article on breathing treatments by our colleague, John Bottrell.
      I thought you might also want to look over this material (by John), which focuses on various types of nebulizers: I do hope you find the information is helpful for you.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator

      1. Thank you Leon! I had no idea there were so many different times. Very helpful.

      2. Hi again, threexblessd - glad to hear you found this information was so helpful for you - that was my intent - to be helpful and provide material you could use. Here at, we have a wealth of experience and information as regards, nebulizers, medications and medication treatments. If there is anything further we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know.
        Leon (site moderator

    2. Thank you Sam! This is was informative.

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